Panda Love: The Secret Lives of Pandas

The giant panda is everyone’s favorite bamboo-munching bear. Panda Love is a collection of incredible images of these gentle giants. Ami Vitale’s stunning photographs on location in China document the efforts to breed pandas and release them back into the wild. Ami was given unprecedented access to the pandas and her photos give an amazing insight into the bears’ lives in both the sanctuaries and their natural habitat. Fluffy panda cubs tumble out of baskets and play hide-and-seek with their carers, while the adult pandas curiously explore the forest and climb trees. China may be on its way to successfully saving its most famous ambassador, and Panda Love documents the process of putting the wild back into an icon.
You can now purchase a signed copy of my first ever book, Panda Love, The Secret Lives of Pandas, about these adorable ambassadors.
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Domestic shipping is $12 per book. International shipping is an additional $30 per book. Currently, due to Covid-19 restrictions, shipping to New Zealand and Australia is $80. We recommend customers in Australia and New Zealand wait until shipping restrictions are lifted to order.
Unsigned copies of Panda Love are also available to purchase from bookstores and online via Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Indiebound, among others. You can purchase from Amazon at
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